Human Powered Speed 73+ MPH
So you're curious how fast can a person go on the flats..... try 73.34 MPH!!!
Hey, here's a creative use for the Nevada Test Site, a Human Powered Vehicle race. The photo says it all. The state trooper is giving him a mock ticket as a souvenir I hope! My max speed on a bike is around 45 MPH, and that was downhill! I've still got 30 MPH to go to catch Sam. Imagine what our freeways would look like if HPV's cruised them at 40-50 MPH. Congestion is supposed to slow freeway average speeds to around 15-20 MPH in the next ten years. By then, even a normal bike will be able to go faster than folks of the Freeway. (why do they call em' freeways when our tax dollars pay for them at a billion dollars a mile for urban areas?) I digress, Congratulations Sam and Varna Innovation and Research Corporation! |